Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Excitement for the Future!


I seriously can't believe that May has just begun! As i've gotten older time definitely goes a lot quicker than i ever thought it could! This year has already proven to  be rather interesting and given me a lot more new experiences. First off -

  • I'm now a senior in high school (grade 11) and it's definitely been a BIG change, my workload has definitely grown, which has put a lot of stress on me.

  • Almost a month ago now I got my L's ! Driving has given me a lot more responsibility and my lovely parents also bought me my very own car! (just something little to learn in) But nonetheless I LOVE IT!!!

  • In just over a week i'll be heading over to Thailand on a plane! This little holidays is extremely exciting for me and I can't wait to get to relax, forget about school and experience some pretty cool things in a total of 8 days!! (a blog post will definitely be up A.S.A.P after that trip)

  • For the rest of the year I haven't really got anything planned except to -                         STAY POSITIVE, WORK HARD, CREATE MEMORIES, SAVE $$$ AND HAVE FUN!!! 


Monday, 29 April 2013

Maybelline Volum' Express The Flasies - Flared Mascara

Maybelline Volum' Express The Falsies -
Flared Mascara

Hiii everyone!
Today I wanted to just put up a quick follow on to my
 last post about the Maybelline Volum' Express The Falsies -
Flared Mascara, I wanted to show you what an amazing difference
it has made to my eyelashes so here we go------

I'm extrememly sorry for the bad quality and the much needed waxing eyebrows, but as you can see there's a massive difference and i've hardly put on any of this amazing product!
Gooooooodbyeeee :)
Do you love this mascara as much as I do? Not sure what mascara i'm talking about you can learn here Don't forget to check out my other post's either!
 I'm so sorry that this is short but i've got anew post being written soon that will be up by 1st of MAY :)

Sunday, 14 April 2013

The Essentials!

The Essentials!
 I've been super busy lately and haven't had time to write any blogs, I've been desperately trying to get something up and here it is! Today whilst at the shops I grabbed my three favourite products that I think are essentials and every girl needs!
My first product is the Maybelline New York 'the falsies volum express' flared. It's probably the best mascara out there in my opinion. I've loved this mascara for so many years and never found anything better. It was on sale at Target and I bought it for only $14.43 BARGAIN!

The next product that I'd never actually had or even heard of until a few weeks ago is the brand BURT'S BEES. The lip balm is absolutely amazing, I choose the honey one with vitamin E. It's 100% natural and works like a charm to moisturise and repair your lips. Not to mention it lasts for ages! I also got this on sale for only $5.55 which is definitely worth it and actually a great price!

My last product that I couldn't resist grabbing is the very famous Maybelline Baby Lips SPF 20 Lip balm. The one I chose is anti-oxidant berry, it doesn't really have any colour to it and is a natural toned colour. But for the price it is (also on sale for $3.95) absolutely amazing! It instantly moisturises but keeps them moisturised for around 8 hours and rejuvenated your lips in one week! Already my lips are smoother, more supple and have started to heal from any of my fine lines!

Really hope you guys enjoyed this post please give me feedback and follow me, it'd be lovely and I'd be more than happy to follow your blog back just leave a comment below asking! Do we have similar essentials? Maybe yours are better than mine, tell me what they are?
