I seriously can't believe that May has just begun! As i've gotten older time definitely goes a lot quicker than i ever thought it could! This year has already proven to be rather interesting and given me a lot more new experiences. First off -
- I'm now a senior in high school (grade 11) and it's definitely been a BIG change, my workload has definitely grown, which has put a lot of stress on me.
- Almost a month ago now I got my L's ! Driving has given me a lot more responsibility and my lovely parents also bought me my very own car! (just something little to learn in) But nonetheless I LOVE IT!!!
- In just over a week i'll be heading over to Thailand on a plane! This little holidays is extremely exciting for me and I can't wait to get to relax, forget about school and experience some pretty cool things in a total of 8 days!! (a blog post will definitely be up A.S.A.P after that trip)
- For the rest of the year I haven't really got anything planned except to - STAY POSITIVE, WORK HARD, CREATE MEMORIES, SAVE $$$ AND HAVE FUN!!!