Thursday, 26 September 2013

How to look like you haven''t just rolled out of bed.

Hey Guys!

How are you?

I've just entered my first week of the two weeks I have of school holidays before I start grade 12!
It's all extremely exciting but there is one thing little problem I have...
After a long night of studying or revising I usually wake up... Lets just say, it isn't something you would want to see. So if you are similar to me and your in high school, on a budget and struggling to look AWAKE, here are a few of my own personal make-up 'Look Awake' products.

Before I get into makeup I just wanted to add a little sidenote. 'Please, PLEASE PLEASE!! Always cleanse, tone, exfoliate and moisturiser. Also, never, ever forget to make sure you have an SPF, especially if you live in Australia like I do and it is beginning to get extremely warm as we head into summer. (let me know if you want a skincare post????)

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Tag, you're it!

Hey guys!
Wow, fancy me actually posting when I promise to...
This week I have got anything really beauty related as I found that when I was absent from m blog I was tagged. But, I have a problem I can not find who tagged me or where I tagged, BUT I have the questions. If YOU are the one that tagged me, please let me know as I am extremely sorry!!!!
So, let us get started?
1. What inspired you to start your blog?
I was inspired by various YouTubers/Vloggers like Tanya Burr, Vivianna Does Makeup, Spinkle of Glitter and Zoella.

2. What is your ultimate dream holiday, and why?
I would love to go to so many places but I don't think I could ever afford it. If I had the opportunity I would definitely do the whole 'backpack around Europe' thing ad I would love to visit Greece!
3. What's your reaction to receiving this award?
Well, I didn't even know that this was an award until I read the question and now I am super intrigued to find out where I was tagged!!! Thank-you immensely to the person who chose me for the award, you are truly an mazing person and I am so honoured and thankful!
4. Favourite beaut guru?
Oh wow! I actually can not decide! If I had to choose my top THREE only relating to beauty things it would have to be Tanya Burr, Zoella and I LOVE Pixiwoo!
5. What are your interests other than beauty?
I don't really have any other interests as passionate as makeup but I do love reading, watching movies, tumblr, youtube (not jus beauty, I actually really love the funny youtubers) and I must say I am passionate in getting into University!
6. What would you like to see your blog do in the future?
In a dream world I would love my blog to be a place where everyone is nice to each others and no one is judgemental! Like a little community! If I ever had the time and confidence (and expertise) I would definitely try Youtube!
7. What do you do as a career or would like to in the future?
Well I am starting grade 12 (last year of school) in less than a month and am constantly pressurised to choose a career. All though I don't really see how 16 or 17 year olds could ever know exactly what they want to do, when and how. Although I have a feeling I would try to get into University to do a Primary teaching course. (K-6. 5years - 12) Oh, and I would love to do a few make-up and beauty course along the way!
8. What I our best achievement?
To be completely honest, I don't really have something that significant at my age, being only 16 the only things that I have really achieved is getting my L's and achieving/completing year 10 successfully. If I was asked this exact question in a year and a few months I would have some pretty amazing things o write.
9. Who inspires you most?
Nobody in particular, I am the type of person that feels gross and lazy if I sit for too long and I have to do something constructive. Whenever I see people who manage to look flawless, have a successful career an raise kids etc, those are the people that inspire me most. If I had to choose a youtuber It would by Louise from Sprinkle of Gliiter or the Nic and Sam from Pixiwoo!
10. Favourite beauty product?
My all time favourite beauty product is always a mascara as it opens the eyes.
If having to choose specifically, the one product I will probably use for a very, VERY long time in the Rimmel STAY MATTE powder.
11. What is something you wish you could own, and why?
Wow, this is a very tricky questions. So instead of going all deep and mushy I'll stay with materialistic things.
Makeup wise: I have ALWAYS wanted a bobbi brown creamy concealer!
Skincare wise: Anything from Origins!
Hair wise: I would adore to own  the highest tech hair straightener.
Clothing wise: ANYTHING PRETTY!!!!

I am going to tag:




Tuesday, 10 September 2013

oooops - I'm back!

Hey Guys!
I haven't posted in quite a while as I have been super busy with school and other commitments...
I'm coming to the end of Year 11 and have tons of assignments and I'm currently doing my end of year exams. So, I've been a very busy bee and wont be posting as much I would like too, I have made a promise to myself to put out at least one post a week!

So, to try and make p for my absence from this blog I'm going to show you all the products I have been loving in the last month!

So, basically these are all relatively ne products that I have been using in the last month or so.
First I want to start off with my favourite product out the six and that is the napoleon perdis crease blender brush. I bought it from Target for $15

I literally use this brush for so much and it is so versatile! It can be used with just one colours to blend all of the lid, a crease brush, if its clean to blend everything AND you could even use this for contouring.
Next I have another massive favourite of mine which is the Simple Radiance brightening eye cream, I can sometimes get quite sensitive skin, especially under my eyes.

The reason I love this product so much is it is also great to use in the morning right before concealer to help blend the concealer seamlessly and acts as a barrier between the make-up. Eye creams will change your life!

My third product is the Rimmel wake me up concealer, a bit cliché? Yeah I guess but it truly is amazing! I wish it came in lighter shades as I LOVE having concealer lighter than my skin tone to highlight under my eyes as this one is a perfect match so great for redness for not necessarily spots.

The shade I have is 010 Ivory.
Next I have a product that is relatively new to Australia as we are always last to get the goodies. It is the Rimmel Salon Pro nail polishes with Lycra. The shade is 705 Reggae Splash.
It is definitely not my usual type of colour and I was hesitant at first but ended up adoring it, and also a massive plus that it has a gel finish, last for up to 10 days and is chip resistant!

My second last product is not a newbie but definitely a favourites, especially since it is now Spring in Australia, although with the heat that we are already having I'm worried for summer.

It is the very well know Revlon Just Bitten Kissable balm stain!

The shade I have is 025 sweetheart valentine.

My last favourite is a mascara from Maybelline, it is the One by One volum'express.

This mascara is amazing but to get maximum use out of it your really need to know how to use it!


What have you been loving this last month or so? or what do you love all the time?!?!?!