Monday, 21 April 2014

HAUL and First Impressions!

Hey Guys!
How are you all?

Its been almost a month since I last made a blog post, WOW!
I cannot believe its taken me this long, but after a mixture of birthdays, Easter, exams and much needed relaxation I have finally overcome writers block and I'm all prepared for a blog post! One which I hope you enjoy! Leave me a comment of your thoughts and i'll be sure to check out your blog! 

NOW! Time for the good stuff! Beauty -

One of the products I purchased was Maybelline's mascara The Colossal - Volum' Express | Smoky Eyes.  The main reason I purchased this was because it was on sale and I needed a new mascara, you can purchase this mascara from priceline for $19.95 AUD. I've used it maybe 4 times now and it has been useful for adding volume, but I can't say i'm completely sold yet! It's definitely one you have to work at to get results!

Cleansing waters have been all the rage for quite a long time followed by the release of Bioderma, I haven't tried bioderma but this Garnier cleansing water works a charm. On sale now with 20% off at priceline! $9.49 This is definitely something I will be using for a long time! I cleanse my face thoroughly as I hate cleansing to then find traces of make-up still on my skin. This extra step helps to ensure I get rid of most of the make-up.

Simple is a brand I've been using for quite a while, I especially like their eye cream. For some reason I haven't found a link for this moisturiser but as memory recalls it was around $10.00. This spotless skin anti-blemish moisturiser contain Zinc and Chamomile. So far it has moisturised fine and it hasn't irritated my skin - thumbs up for a cheap moisturiser! 

You can purchase this eye cream from Avon, I used this twice but it's definitely not a favourite. The only positive is that it's extremely cooling on the eyes but the rolling ball has pinched my under eyes a few times and because of its SPF of 15 it irritates the eyes easily if any gets close or inside the eye.

If you live in Australia you would know that NYX has made its way into Target stores not too long ago and its so amazing! I find myself being drawn to the section each time I go to the shops. As you can see I am already loving it! Its basically matte white and works so good! It also has an extremely creamy texture thats easy to use and blend. You can purchase this from Target for $12.95

The next product I purchased was also a NYX one and it's the Eyebrow cake powder in ECP06 - Blonde. It comes with a little spooky and tiny brush which I have already taken out as it was virtually useless as it picked up almost zero product. They greyer tones made it a perfect match to my brows and i'm just IN LOVE with this product, cannot recommend it enough! A must try! 

My final product is the e.l.f professional Blending Eye Brush. I'm pretty sure I purchased this from Kmart Australia for $3.00AUD, I had heard good things about this brush but for only $3.00 I hardly expected it to actually be good. It's surprisingly soft and blends well but I wouldn't recommend this to beginners as you cannot easily remove what you place - especially when using an unforgiving colour like black. Would easily recommend as it's so cheap.


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