Sunday, 30 June 2013

The 30 Day Snap no.29 | Roads

Hello Everyone!
Original Post here

This another driving Snap, I took it whilst the rain had stopped for a few seconds.
Are you doing these Glitter Snaps too? Link me to your day 29?



The 30 Day Snap no.28 | Rainy Window

Hello Everyone!
Original Post here


This Snap was taken on Friday on the way to Newcastle, lots of traffic and tons of rain.

Are you doing these Glitter Snaps too? Link me to your day 28?



The 30 Day Snap no.27 | Holidays!

Hello Everyone!
Original Post here

I'm super late because I've been away on a weekend holiday with no access to a lap-top or computer to post. so here they are... This is a snap of a few items of clothing I had packed...

Are you doing these Glitter Snaps too? Link me to your day 27?



The 30 Day Snap no.30 | Blue Skies

Hello Everyone!
Original Post here

This is a snap through the cars sunroof...
 Today is sadly the last day of the Glitter Snaps, I really think it's something Í would do again but maybe in a month when I'm doing more interesting things, because I don't have an interesting life...
Are you doing these Glitter Snaps too? Link me to your day 30?



Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Wednesdays Wants #1

Hello Everyone!
Today I've decide to do a little post on the current things I want in four different categories including Make-up, Fashion, Skincare and Lifestyle. The main reason for this is because list making is fun, especially ones to do with the things you want, and it makes me feel accomplished if I ever complete the lists.



 This weeks make-up want is the lovely MAC 217 brush which I'm sure you're all fond of....
 217 Blending Brush
but this brush coasts $37 AUS dollars which is a bit crazy so I may have to opt for a couple of these -
Pro Blending Fluff
My Fashion for the first week are the Cleo Stonewashed Distressed Boyfriend Jeans from
A skin product that I'm eager to try is the Origins GinZing eyecream.
Origins GinZing Refreshing Eye Cream To Brighten and Depuff  15ml/0.5oz
My Lifestyle want is an A4 spinout notebook from typo with a splice Eiffel tower picture.
Do you have something similar to my lists?
Do you already own one of these items and would like to tell me your opinion - GOOD/BAD???


The 30 Day Snap no.26 | Senior Life

Hello Everyone!
Original Post here

Today has basically consisted of pouring Sydney rain, 20 minute late buses, a blocked/stuffy nose then a LOT of stuDYING... Not the most intriguing thing... Writing narratives, interviews and studying cell theory and how surface area is increased my animals teeth... Yeah...

Are you doing these Glitter Snaps too? Link me to your day 26?
Only four more snaps left!



Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The 30 Day Snap no.25 | Curls

Hello Everyone!
Original Post here

Well I was planning of taking a snap of my dinner but I totally forgot and ate it instead so instead I've snapped my hair after curling it tonight.

Are you doing these Glitter Snaps too? Link me to your day 25?


Manicure Monday #5

Hello Everyone!
It's Manicure Monday again - what is it?
Click HERE

Yessss... It is Tuesday and I've been a bit slack but better late than never.
I used a MUD nail polish in electrify it.' I think it's a lovely colour but for some reason the quality of this polish isn't as good as other MUD ones I have. I went quite simple this week but will hopefully have something more worth your while next Monday.



Monday, 24 June 2013

The 30 Day Snap no.24 | Daily Inspiration

Hello Everyone!
Original Post here

Today's snap isn't actually my own personal snap but it is a picture I ADORE, it speaks to me a lot because what I want to do is the one thing that makes me happy. Being happy is super important to me and I would never jeopardise happiness for a career in something that inflicted unhappiness. It's also my wallpaper for my phone and laptop.
Are you doing these Glitter Snaps too? Link me to your day 24?
What career path would YOU like to take in life????


Sunday, 23 June 2013

S.S.secret post no.1

Hello Everyone!
Today's post is going to be my first EVER
S.S.secret post -
what is this? Click HERE
How I Clean My Brushes!

These pictures show some of my brushes, I usually don't keep them all together because I have my favourites stashed somewhere else for everyday use!
First things first, I round up all my dirty brushes  and get them ready to be washed.
To wash them I need my Johnsons baby shampoo and a towel.
Next, I'm going to take the first brush and run it under cold water (never wash under hot water! the heat will melt the glue that holds the bristles in!) Also remember to always face your brush down, you don't want any water inside/near where the bristles are connected!

After this I squeeze some of the baby shampoo onto my hand, then take the damp brush and swirl it around on my hand, your can also squeeze it and watch as the make-up pours out. If you have never washed your brushes be prepared to be surprised at the amount that will come out!

After this step, and after you've made sure you've gotten all of the make-up out, feel free to re-shape your brush.
It's also best to shape it using the towel to wipe off excess water to help the brushes dry faster!

Above I have put a few photo's of how I clean my brushes, it's not that difficult AT ALL!
Always clean your brushes, you wouldn't believe the types of nasties lurking in your brushes!
I usually do this at night in hope they will dry by morning, sometimes I'm lucky and other times I'm not...
Don't they look 1 million times better?!?!?!
I hope you've enjoyed my FIRST EVER S.S.secret post no.1
Any questions will happily be replied to!
Do you clean your brushes as often as you should??

The 30 Day Snap no.23 | Cake

Hello Everyone!
Original Post here

Well today was sadly one of the days where I forgot to take a 'snap' and I don't have anything interesting enough to take a picture of so instead I'm going to show you all a picture of my 16th birthday cake, even though this was a few months ago I still think it's beautiful'!

Are you doing these Glitter Snaps too? Link me to your day 23?


Saturday, 22 June 2013

S.S.secret post

Hello Everyone!
So, as a blogger I am constantly trying to think of new ideas and blog features to promote my blog.
After twiddling my thumbs and procrastinating I finally decided that I had to dive in and write this post.
So what is the S.S.secret post?!?!?!?!
Basically, every Saturday and Sunday for as long as I desire I will be posting a "secret post" It could be on absolutely ANYTHING!
Mainly I 'll be posting make-up things but I'm sure Í will try to add a few Fashion and lifestyle posts as well.

Also, check out my lipstick review and leave me a comment? 
Don't forget, you now have to follow me on bloglovin' link below.


The 30 Day Snap no.22 | Hair

Hello Everyone!
Original Post here

This morning our household was in a rush as we tried to get out of the house so I did a quick upside down braid into a pony tail in my sisters hair.

Are you doing these Glitter Snaps too? Link me to your day 22?
