Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Top 5 May Products!

Hello Everybody!
So as you all know May is coming to an end, and here in Australia it's quite cold as we're now VERY close to Winter.
Today for you I have decided to do my top 5 products of the month!
This will be my first one EVER and i'm so super excited!
The first product is my absolute favourite thing ever! I love this brush, I truly do! It has been on my blog before here and it's my Real Techniques Buffing Brush!

This is one product that is definitely worth the HYPE!

The next product that I actually haven't been using through all of May is my Michael Todd Organic Lemon aha + dmae toner! I recently bought the travel kit for oily/ ance skin on sale for around $30 AUD instead of around $80 AUD! This product smells great and I have definitely noticed my skin is a lot better from using this product. (future review on the whole kit to come soon.)

My third product is a very lovely Tinted moisturiser my Aveeno, it has an SPF of 15 and has a pretty good coverage as far as tinted moisturisers go! My one is in fair to light and is actually quite good for my slightly tanned skin! I would definitely reccommend this BUT not if you aren't confident in your skin, I use it with a concealer for added coverage.

My next product is the Johnsons Baby Shampoo, I use this product to wash my brushes and it is SUPER effective for a thorough wash!

My last product has been a favourite for months and possible years?!?!? and it's the Neutrogena Rapid Clear Spot Gel 8 hours. It honeslt DOES work in 8 hours and has been my saviour for those dreaded pimples that insist on popping up to say hello with their ugly heads. This has actually SAVED my school photo days and helped get rid of little stubborn pimples that wont go!

Have you done a May favourites post? Post a link below!

Monday, 27 May 2013

Manicure Monday!

Hello Everybody, as I sat back and relaxed after an afternoon full of studying I decided to paint my nails! Whilst my hands remained steady my brain was going crazy thinking of an idea for a feature on my blog!

And here it is.........

Every monday from now on I will try my absolute best to get a post up of the weeks nail polish colour, where I bought it from and my opinion on it!
Now that you've been introduced I want to jump in straight away with my new nail colour for the last days of May...

I definitely have way too many pictures and from now on will most likely only put up 1-3 but I LOVE this colour, it's my absolute fav mainly because it's lilac!!!!!! My sister actually bought this but it was very cheap, and you would definitely need more than one quote.
Have you tried this nail polish? What are your favourite nail polishes right now??
 Also*** thinking about changing my blogs name to lilac haze??????????????******


The 30 Day Snap

Hello Everybody!
As I am now back from my beautiful holiday in Thailand and my jet lag has settled, my brain has finally been able to focus! The first thing I did (of course!) was scavange through my favourite beauty blogs to see what i've missed out on! Luckily not too much but there was one post that caught my eye and made me think ooooh! I AM DOING THAT!
And this post was written by Louise from Sprinkle Of Glitter, i'm sure most of you know her but if not I reccommend that you check her blog or YouTube channel out!
Now, back to it:
All rights to Louise and her blog here
Basically. every day for the month of June I will be uploading a photograph from my day up on here, Sometimes it will probably have a story behind it and other days it maybe just be a picture.
Now that you've read this, I tag YOU to do this aswell! It's a great way to go through with commitments and recap on the little things in your day that make you smile!
I know that we still have 4 days until June starts but I think it's an amazing idea!

Are you doing this challenge aswell? Have you ever done something similar?

***** Because I  still quite new to blogging I'm happy to follow your blog if you follow mine :) just comment below!! xxx


Sunday, 26 May 2013

I've been in Thailand!

Hello Everybody!!!!!
Well i've finally just had time to sit down and organise things for a recap of my AMAZING holiday in Thailand which ended on the 21st of May but lasted 7 days! I was originally going to do a haul post aswell but at the moment I don't think I will. (unless I am requested to...)
Basically the point of this post was to put up some pictures, they're definitely not the best quality as I was using a cheap ol'camera incase it was dropped or lost so.....
Let's get started!!!

Here's a picture of our view from our hotel rooms baclony.

Crazy bamboo structure

The streets!!

The front of Phuket zoo

My Aunty and I at the Big Buddah!

Bangala Road - saw some crazy stuff!

A big ol'elephant, actually got to ride this one, it seemed to be sad but still flashed a smile

The AMAZING view from the Big Buddah
One of the gorgeous islands we visited!

Sister and I on the island.

Lovely view!

Another shot!

Snorkelling snap

The sand, one of the most loveliest things! not the best to walk on though...

Some nice soft sand!
I had an  extremely wonderful time, it was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity and I would definitely go again! The weather was extremely hot though and I did miss real food and home but it was the most amazing experience!
If you would like to see what I bought comment below!!!
(keep in mind I didnt buy anything beauty related as the quality cannot be trusted!)
Have you been to Thailand before???




Friday, 10 May 2013

Pre Holiday Pick-Ups!

Hello everyone!!!
Today for you i'm going to be talking about the products i've bought before my magnificent holidays in Thailand.

The first thing I bought was the Real Techniques Core Collection by Samantha Chapman (Pixiwoo on YouTube) The Collection contains four gold plated face brushes with synthetic haired, ultra smooth taklon bristles. It also came with a panoramic case that's a dual carrier and stand to help keep brushes organised and able to dispay the brushes neatly on a desk.
The first brush is the contour brush, it delicately applies highlighter and contour to your face to create sheer, soft-focus finish. Personally I love this brush for lightly powedering so that I don't over do it.(as you can see, I LOVE this brush)
The second brush is the pointed foundation brush I think this brush is great if you like a more heavy coverage but i don't use this brush very much.
The third brush is the detailer brush, this tiny brush is perfect to conceal a blemish or use with a lipstick to make it last longer

The last brush also happens to be my absolute favourite brush is the buffing brush! It's meant to be ideal for full coverage application of powder and mineral foundation but I LOVE this brush for buffing my liquid foundation into my skin to make it look natural and glowing, not to mention a great coverage that's perfect for me.

Overall this brush is perfect to look pixel perfect even in harsh light, Samantha and Nicola have a youtube channel called Pixiwoo, they do AMAZING tutorials using these brushes so if you've not already subscribed to them go and do it right now!
The next product that I bought, which was heavily influenced by Tanya Burr and her constant love for this product is the Rimmel Stay Matte powder. It's a long lasting pressed powder that can be very translucent on the skin. Sometimes I get oily skin with shine spots which are really unflattering so this powder has been a life saver! Especially for the low price, which was even lower as it was on sale for around $10! (usually $12 something)

I wear this powder EVERYDAY as I dont really like the way my skin looks dewwy so I keep it as matte as possible! Definitely reccommend this product!!


(I also bought the Real Techniques ýour eyes/enhanced starter kit that contains 5 brushes for eyes and eyebrows! Would you like to see a reviwe on those brushes aswell? They look a little like -

The only reason I didnt review them on this post is because I didn't buy these to use whilst on my holiday and will probably leave them safe at home, waiting until I get back so i can review them for you!
Do you already own these brushes? or any real techniques brushes? What's your opinion on them??


Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Behind The Scenes Of Blogging TAG!

The lovely Amy from Amy's Beauty Journal which you can find here kindly tagged me in this tag so lets do it!


1. You MUST state that this TAG was created by (Lauren)

2. You must use the image I have provided in this post on your post.

3. You must title this post 'Behind the Scenes of Blogging TAG' so everyone knows what it is about!

4. You must tag at least one other person, but there is not a maximum limit! -You will need to comment on their blog to let them know that they are tagged.

5. Thank the person who tagged you and link their blog.

6. You must answer all the questions


1.Do you plan for each/some of your blog posts, if so, how do you do this?
I always plan for my blog posts now as I feel that by planning your blog post comes out a LOT more polished and proffessional looking, it also gives you time to make sure you love what you've written!

2.Do you have a blogging notebook/diary where you write and plan about things to do with your blog?
Not currently because i'm on the hunt for a new gorgeous notebook, so for the time being I jot down my notes and what not in my phone or on some sticky notes that I stick on my desk.

3.Do you feel pressured to buy things so that you have something to review on your blog?
Not in the slightest, if i dont feel that there's a product that im overly excited about then i just won't do a review or blog post!

4.Has your style of your blog posts/blog been influenced by someone else. If so, who?
Definitely, many different bloggers inspire me to improve my blog and inspire me with ideas. Most of all bloggers that do YouTube videos inspire me most of all because i'd LOVE to do what they're doing but dont have the confidence and choose to use my blog as a substitute!

5.What are your favourite posts to plan and write about?
Make-up ones are definitely my FAVOURITE, specifically ones on brushes and lip products!

6.Do you think that your knowledge of makeup (and applying it) has improved because of blogging?
100% because of blogging I have definitely learnt more tricks - but because of YouTube videos my knowledge and skills have definitely imporved!

7.Do you test all of products for a certain amount of time before you review them?
It all depends on the type of the product and when I want to put up a new blog post.

8.Do you have any other websites for your blog? (e.g, twitter, YouTube, Bloglovin' or a Facebook page etc. )
I have a twitter and bloglovin

9.Do you feel the need to buy something you have wanted EVEN more when you see your favourite blogger talking about it?
YESSS! Especially if two or more of my favourite bloggers talk about a specifi product i cant help but buy it...

10.Do you find taking pictures to be a chore, or not?
NO WAY! It's one of my all time favourite things, photography is something I LOVE to do, although i've only practically just begun blogging, it's something I think about and is probably one of the most important things in a blog post (to me)

Now for the people I tag:
Easmin from Ohh So Peachy
Louise from Beauty and Bad Taste

You don't have to do this it's just something that's a lil fun.
