Sunday, 26 May 2013

I've been in Thailand!

Hello Everybody!!!!!
Well i've finally just had time to sit down and organise things for a recap of my AMAZING holiday in Thailand which ended on the 21st of May but lasted 7 days! I was originally going to do a haul post aswell but at the moment I don't think I will. (unless I am requested to...)
Basically the point of this post was to put up some pictures, they're definitely not the best quality as I was using a cheap ol'camera incase it was dropped or lost so.....
Let's get started!!!

Here's a picture of our view from our hotel rooms baclony.

Crazy bamboo structure

The streets!!

The front of Phuket zoo

My Aunty and I at the Big Buddah!

Bangala Road - saw some crazy stuff!

A big ol'elephant, actually got to ride this one, it seemed to be sad but still flashed a smile

The AMAZING view from the Big Buddah
One of the gorgeous islands we visited!

Sister and I on the island.

Lovely view!

Another shot!

Snorkelling snap

The sand, one of the most loveliest things! not the best to walk on though...

Some nice soft sand!
I had an  extremely wonderful time, it was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity and I would definitely go again! The weather was extremely hot though and I did miss real food and home but it was the most amazing experience!
If you would like to see what I bought comment below!!!
(keep in mind I didnt buy anything beauty related as the quality cannot be trusted!)
Have you been to Thailand before???




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