Monday, 21 April 2014

HAUL and First Impressions!

Hey Guys!
How are you all?

Its been almost a month since I last made a blog post, WOW!
I cannot believe its taken me this long, but after a mixture of birthdays, Easter, exams and much needed relaxation I have finally overcome writers block and I'm all prepared for a blog post! One which I hope you enjoy! Leave me a comment of your thoughts and i'll be sure to check out your blog! 

NOW! Time for the good stuff! Beauty -

One of the products I purchased was Maybelline's mascara The Colossal - Volum' Express | Smoky Eyes.  The main reason I purchased this was because it was on sale and I needed a new mascara, you can purchase this mascara from priceline for $19.95 AUD. I've used it maybe 4 times now and it has been useful for adding volume, but I can't say i'm completely sold yet! It's definitely one you have to work at to get results!

Cleansing waters have been all the rage for quite a long time followed by the release of Bioderma, I haven't tried bioderma but this Garnier cleansing water works a charm. On sale now with 20% off at priceline! $9.49 This is definitely something I will be using for a long time! I cleanse my face thoroughly as I hate cleansing to then find traces of make-up still on my skin. This extra step helps to ensure I get rid of most of the make-up.

Simple is a brand I've been using for quite a while, I especially like their eye cream. For some reason I haven't found a link for this moisturiser but as memory recalls it was around $10.00. This spotless skin anti-blemish moisturiser contain Zinc and Chamomile. So far it has moisturised fine and it hasn't irritated my skin - thumbs up for a cheap moisturiser! 

You can purchase this eye cream from Avon, I used this twice but it's definitely not a favourite. The only positive is that it's extremely cooling on the eyes but the rolling ball has pinched my under eyes a few times and because of its SPF of 15 it irritates the eyes easily if any gets close or inside the eye.

If you live in Australia you would know that NYX has made its way into Target stores not too long ago and its so amazing! I find myself being drawn to the section each time I go to the shops. As you can see I am already loving it! Its basically matte white and works so good! It also has an extremely creamy texture thats easy to use and blend. You can purchase this from Target for $12.95

The next product I purchased was also a NYX one and it's the Eyebrow cake powder in ECP06 - Blonde. It comes with a little spooky and tiny brush which I have already taken out as it was virtually useless as it picked up almost zero product. They greyer tones made it a perfect match to my brows and i'm just IN LOVE with this product, cannot recommend it enough! A must try! 

My final product is the e.l.f professional Blending Eye Brush. I'm pretty sure I purchased this from Kmart Australia for $3.00AUD, I had heard good things about this brush but for only $3.00 I hardly expected it to actually be good. It's surprisingly soft and blends well but I wouldn't recommend this to beginners as you cannot easily remove what you place - especially when using an unforgiving colour like black. Would easily recommend as it's so cheap.


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Tasma Violet | Beauty | Make-Up | Lifestyle

Sunday, 23 March 2014


Hey Guys!
How are you all?

Today's post is quite different to my usual sort of thing - I've decided to do a clothing wish list for an amazing UK super brand called Warehouse

They have some truly amazing products that are of superb quality and on trend! I cannot get enough of their clothing, i'm so excited to be able to purchase some stuff very soon (birthday money in less than a week!!! yay!)

This tote bag is utterly beautiful, I love the gold hardware and it has an amazing texture to it, I especially like the little details! This bag can be purchased for $70.00 AUD

 In Australia it's getting closer and closer to the cooler months, however it doesn't get very cool here but I still love a good pair of jeans, and these ones look perfect and would suit any top I have!
You can purchase this pair for $66.00 AUD
 Now, this outfit altogether is perfect, however the main item I really want my hands on, it the jumper! I'm a sucker for florals no matter what the season! This lovely jumper is $70.00 AUD 
I am a jumpsuit fanatic, I love anything that's one-piece (except swimmers), however I am not usually one for this particular print, but I think this pattern would work on a variety of skin tones and I this it's unique design is definitely not similar to anything I own... = I NEED IT! $70.00 AUD

 This shirt is absolutely divine, I love the colour and think this would look pretty with a variety of things! A pencil skirt, jeans or even leggings to dress it down, I think you could even wear this with a pair of shorts! The possibilities are endless! $60.00 AUD

This dress is just so beautiful, it sits perfectly and would look amazing with a denim jumper for when it's a bit cooler! Definitely worth $70.00 AUD

This lovely, simple T-shirt look so comfy! I am really loving the folded sleeves lately, giving femininity a bit of a kick! But it still would look so great with a pair of leggings or jeans if you want to layer it, but personally this type of shirt is perfect for every-day wear. Was $20.00 now $13.00


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Tasma Violet | Beauty | Make-Up | Lifestyle

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

1 Year Anniversary! - Beauty Products that don't Disappoint.

Hey Guys!

Today marks the 1st anniversary of my blog, I cannot believe it has been one whole year already, it actually flew by. I've been contemplating what type of post I would do for over a week and my ideas have been somewhat interesting... But I have decided to go with a post jam packed with beauty, so I present to you - Beauty Products that don't Disappoint!

So let's dive into 9 beauty related products/objects that will not disappoint!

Pictured above is;

  • Rimmel Stay Matte powder - what more can I say about this powder except that I need another one! Click here for more! (and a much nicer picture)
  • NPset crease blender brush - I absolutely love this brush, it's really great at blending shadow all over the lid or for doing cut creases and some contouring!
  • An eyelash curler - i'm not sure what brand mine is but just by having an eyelash curler you're one step ahead!

Pictured above;
  • LaRoche-Posay - Effaclar Duo, this little cream is on the slightly more expensive side but is totally worth it! It unclogs pores beautifully and I kinda like the smell... This isn't an everyday beauty product more of a "when my face is freaking out" kind of product.
  • Nude by nature oil - with breakthrough Tamanu oil, this product is lovely at re-hydrating, but isn't as great at fading scars although I haven't really focused this product on acne scarring.
  • Formula 10.0.6 KEEP YOUR COOL Breakout Calming Mask - This mask is definitely cooling, I instantly can feel it working when I put it on my face, this is more of a gentle mask but I still think mud masks are definitely my favourite for clearing up your skin. But i still love this mask for days when I don't want something strong.
These last three products are probably my favourites!
  • Lucas' papaw ointment - I have been using this balm since I was probably 10... It's so amazing at almost everything, except I use it on my lips or when I burn my self with the hair straightener or curling wand...
  • Santa's Lip Scrub - ahhhh! LUSH lip scrubs are absolutely amazing! Even though this product was only on sale for christmas they have a few other flavours such as bubblegum and popcorn. This specific one is cola flavoured and has tiny little red grains of sugar. Since the ingredients are pretty much natural, once you've finished polishing your lips you can just lick it off!
  • Tea Tree Oil - Not only can this be used for cuts, wounds, infections, insect bites, stings and even in a vaporiser. I LOVE it for pimples, just to help them clear up a bit faster, especially for those days when one pops up out of no where and you have somewhere important to go.

Thankyou for reading and following my blog! It means more than you could ever imagine!
Do you have any other products that you don't think disappoint??


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Tasma Violet | Beauty | Make-Up | Lifestyle

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Study and Organisational Tips

Hey Guys!

How are you all?

It is also important for a bunch of other reasons too, but my main focus for the year ahead is to get good results so I can get into University in 2015.

So during my six week holidays I spent a lot of my time watching YouTube videos and reading other blog posts about school, study and organising. It has really motivated me to get in order and start keeping everything neat and tidy.

Today's post is really just to try and help anyone else who might need help whether it be studying, organising or even be getting motivated or inspired.

To get motivated you first must have goals. You cannot get anywhere without having an idea in your head of where you want to be, and if you're lucky enough to want your goal so much it turns into a dream. Then chase it, your goals don't have to be massive but maybe you want to get into a certain University course, work for that. Maybe you've dreamt of being a lawyer, doctor or a teacher. Keep that dream and work your butt of until you reach it. - SET GOALS

The topic of studying is quite a broad one to cover so feel free to ask any questions but i'm just going to give you a little break down on some tips.
  • Have a Study Timetable - this timetable can be set up for a week, fortnightly or even monthly, it's really up to you. By having a timetable set up it will ensure that you leave plenty of time to study for a big test instead of leaving it to the night before... You know you've done it before.
  • Find what helps you to study - some people record themselves and then listen to them talking, others re-write their notes over and over until it sinks in. Sometimes people can be lucky enough to just have to read something and it instantly clicks. Perhaps you need music - if so keep it quiet and boring like background noise.
  • Colour co-ordinate - This helps some but not everyone, personally it helps me as I keep each subject a certain colour in my student diary so that I always know instantly what subject I have homework for. It also helps me to distinguish between different syllabus dot points.

Being organised is the most important thing you can do:
  • Keep a calendar on your wall - Make sure to have a calendar for the whole year somewhere in your room and always write down things you have going on. If you prefer to use you phone or other technology do so, but a paper calendar is super helpful.
  • Always have a diary/ student planner near you - Keeping a diary is going to benefit you so, so much! but only if you actually use it!  Be sure to write in every bit of homework or assignment your given, and if it's necessary put it in a week early to ensure you don't forget that its due. Trust me, nothing is worse than forgetting you have something due the night before.

  • Keep your notes tidy and in correct order - If you do not write neatly or glue in sheets how will you study? It's almost impossible, so glue sheets in or keep them in a folder for that specific subject. Don't mix things together, it will not pay off in the long run. If you use a lap-top make sure all your notes are kept in the matching folder.

And don't forget to have an abundance of sticky notes!

Do you have any tips and tricks that help you study???


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Tasma Violet | Beauty | Make-Up | Lifestyle

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Catch-up 0ctober 2013 - February 2014!

Hey Guys!

How are you?

Today's post may not be very interesting to many or perhaps even any of you, but I thought it was necessary to mention why I've been gone for so, so long!

On the 8th of this month I started Year 12! It was very exciting but the excitement died down quickly after having tonnes of homework, assignments and test being dropped on top of me like a load of bricks.
This month flew by as I fiddled around with school work, but also got to catch up with an old friend I hadn't seen for around a year.

In all honesty, November was a blur... All I remember is writing essays and independent research projects, mixed in with some driving lessons and christmas shopping...

The first day of this lovely Summer month in Sydney began with all my best buds at a lovely little cafe as we celebrated a friends 17th birthday eating tiny triangle cut sandwiches, pastizzis, quiches, scones and a lovely cappuccino.
Then began the final week of speeches, reports and tests. Not to mention being delirious most of the time from exhaustion.
Then came the super hot summer days at the beach and Christmas light looking at night, very magical.
Then right before Christmas another of my best friends turned 17! We spent the day out watching a movie at the cinemas and eating fancy chocolate sundaes for lunch... Oooops.
CHRISTMAS!!! I had a fantastic christmas with my family eating delicious foods and having tons of fun. Oh! and I got an iPhone 5s which is super exciting! I then left to go on holidays right before New Years to camp right along the beach three hours from Sydney.

It began with all my closest family members camping along the beach, it was beautiful... Although their was no reception or internet I found it perfect to get away from everything and just relax.
A few days ;ager, once I had gotten home my friend who had just gotten her P's drove as all down the coast to another beach in a beautiful place called Kiama and spent the day at the beach.
I also got to spend the day in the city with my family in Darling harbour and at the Power House Museum.
January was definitely a great start to my 2014!
I then started my final year of school on the 19th of January.

Well, we're only 10 days in and so far I've jumped straight back into school and a routine and am trying my hardest to do my best at school for my final year, with only 268 days left...
I also got to celebrate another of my best friends 17th Birthdays where we ate at Pancakes on the rocks. Im excited to see how the rest of my year turns out!

So, in all honesty I haven't been writing many blog posts because I was just too busy, but the time I spent away from my blog was just boing and dreary. So I've decided it is definitely something I want to keep going.

I would love to know what type of posts you would like to see from me! Leave any suggestions down below!


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Tasma Violet | Beauty | Make-Up | Lifestyle

Friday, 7 February 2014

I'm Back AND Top 5 Favourite Drugstore Foundations!

Hey Guys!

How are you?

Okay, so it appears that my last post was on the 26th of September last year! I actually can't believe it has taken me this long to finally get back on the bandwagon. I'm extremely sorry that I've been absent for so long but I will be making another post soon as a 'catch-up' on all the details of the past 4 months!

Just quickly, it's 2014!!!!
Yay! A New Years with endless possibilities! In Australia we get 6 weeks off school over Christmas and well into January. During these 6 weeks I was lucky enough to go on a little holiday on the beach at a place three hours from Sydney.  It was super fun and extremely lovely.

I got to catch up on some quality family time and finish reading a few books that I could never find time to read when school was still on. Oh, I read; And the Mountains Echoed, The Wish List and The Fault in Our Stars (as good as everyone says I promise).

The reason for this post was to not only get back on the 'bandwagon' but to show you my 
Top 5 Favourite Drugstore Foundations!

  <Left to Right> 

  • Maybelline Dream Pure BB Cream
  • L'oreal True Match
  • Rimmel Wake Me Up
  • Bourjois Happy Light 
  • Rimmel Match Perfection

The Details:

  • L'oreal True Match: claims to perfectly match the colour and texture of your skin, and I completely agree! If you have fairly nice skin this foundation will look flawless on you. It also has an SPF of 17. This foundation is also 'super-blendable' making it easy to suit your skin tone.
  • Rimmel Wake Me Up foundation: this is probably my all time favourite foundation ever, for a more in-depth review click here

  •  Bourjois Happy Light: claims to give a luminous and flawless complexion in any light with 8 hours hydration. This foundation is truly beautiful, my only complaint is the lack of shades available as I sometimes have to add another shade to make it lighter. Unlike the 'Wake Me Up' foundation it doesn't have "sparkles" but is still dewy.
  • Rimmel Match Perfection: is it just me that thinks all Rimmel foundations are amazing? I am yet to find one that I can fault. The Match Perfection has an amazing and flawless coverage without caking and of course an SPF of 18.

  •  Lucky Last; Maybelline Dream Pure BB cream for Oily skin: I'm not a fan of BB seams but this one is so lovely and has good coverage. This is definitely for those who prefer something lighter on the skin. It also has 2% salicylic acid which is perfect for girls who love a bit of skin care in their bases or are suffering for pimple/acne. Oh, and it has an SPF of 15! This is the perfect beauty staple for holidays. Whenever decisions were made on the spot to go out somewhere for the day or for dinner and I didn't have time for a full face of make-up this BB cream, mascara and a lipstick were ideal.

Have you tried any of these foundations??? Or do you have a different drugstore foundation that you love? let me know!!


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Tasma Violet | Beauty | Make-Up | Lifestyle