Sunday, 9 February 2014

Catch-up 0ctober 2013 - February 2014!

Hey Guys!

How are you?

Today's post may not be very interesting to many or perhaps even any of you, but I thought it was necessary to mention why I've been gone for so, so long!

On the 8th of this month I started Year 12! It was very exciting but the excitement died down quickly after having tonnes of homework, assignments and test being dropped on top of me like a load of bricks.
This month flew by as I fiddled around with school work, but also got to catch up with an old friend I hadn't seen for around a year.

In all honesty, November was a blur... All I remember is writing essays and independent research projects, mixed in with some driving lessons and christmas shopping...

The first day of this lovely Summer month in Sydney began with all my best buds at a lovely little cafe as we celebrated a friends 17th birthday eating tiny triangle cut sandwiches, pastizzis, quiches, scones and a lovely cappuccino.
Then began the final week of speeches, reports and tests. Not to mention being delirious most of the time from exhaustion.
Then came the super hot summer days at the beach and Christmas light looking at night, very magical.
Then right before Christmas another of my best friends turned 17! We spent the day out watching a movie at the cinemas and eating fancy chocolate sundaes for lunch... Oooops.
CHRISTMAS!!! I had a fantastic christmas with my family eating delicious foods and having tons of fun. Oh! and I got an iPhone 5s which is super exciting! I then left to go on holidays right before New Years to camp right along the beach three hours from Sydney.

It began with all my closest family members camping along the beach, it was beautiful... Although their was no reception or internet I found it perfect to get away from everything and just relax.
A few days ;ager, once I had gotten home my friend who had just gotten her P's drove as all down the coast to another beach in a beautiful place called Kiama and spent the day at the beach.
I also got to spend the day in the city with my family in Darling harbour and at the Power House Museum.
January was definitely a great start to my 2014!
I then started my final year of school on the 19th of January.

Well, we're only 10 days in and so far I've jumped straight back into school and a routine and am trying my hardest to do my best at school for my final year, with only 268 days left...
I also got to celebrate another of my best friends 17th Birthdays where we ate at Pancakes on the rocks. Im excited to see how the rest of my year turns out!

So, in all honesty I haven't been writing many blog posts because I was just too busy, but the time I spent away from my blog was just boing and dreary. So I've decided it is definitely something I want to keep going.

I would love to know what type of posts you would like to see from me! Leave any suggestions down below!


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