Tuesday, 18 February 2014

1 Year Anniversary! - Beauty Products that don't Disappoint.

Hey Guys!

Today marks the 1st anniversary of my blog, I cannot believe it has been one whole year already, it actually flew by. I've been contemplating what type of post I would do for over a week and my ideas have been somewhat interesting... But I have decided to go with a post jam packed with beauty, so I present to you - Beauty Products that don't Disappoint!

So let's dive into 9 beauty related products/objects that will not disappoint!

Pictured above is;

  • Rimmel Stay Matte powder - what more can I say about this powder except that I need another one! Click here for more! (and a much nicer picture)
  • NPset crease blender brush - I absolutely love this brush, it's really great at blending shadow all over the lid or for doing cut creases and some contouring!
  • An eyelash curler - i'm not sure what brand mine is but just by having an eyelash curler you're one step ahead!

Pictured above;
  • LaRoche-Posay - Effaclar Duo, this little cream is on the slightly more expensive side but is totally worth it! It unclogs pores beautifully and I kinda like the smell... This isn't an everyday beauty product more of a "when my face is freaking out" kind of product.
  • Nude by nature oil - with breakthrough Tamanu oil, this product is lovely at re-hydrating, but isn't as great at fading scars although I haven't really focused this product on acne scarring.
  • Formula 10.0.6 KEEP YOUR COOL Breakout Calming Mask - This mask is definitely cooling, I instantly can feel it working when I put it on my face, this is more of a gentle mask but I still think mud masks are definitely my favourite for clearing up your skin. But i still love this mask for days when I don't want something strong.
These last three products are probably my favourites!
  • Lucas' papaw ointment - I have been using this balm since I was probably 10... It's so amazing at almost everything, except I use it on my lips or when I burn my self with the hair straightener or curling wand...
  • Santa's Lip Scrub - ahhhh! LUSH lip scrubs are absolutely amazing! Even though this product was only on sale for christmas they have a few other flavours such as bubblegum and popcorn. This specific one is cola flavoured and has tiny little red grains of sugar. Since the ingredients are pretty much natural, once you've finished polishing your lips you can just lick it off!
  • Tea Tree Oil - Not only can this be used for cuts, wounds, infections, insect bites, stings and even in a vaporiser. I LOVE it for pimples, just to help them clear up a bit faster, especially for those days when one pops up out of no where and you have somewhere important to go.

Thankyou for reading and following my blog! It means more than you could ever imagine!
Do you have any other products that you don't think disappoint??


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Tasma Violet | Beauty | Make-Up | Lifestyle


  1. happy 1 year anniversary! i love rimmel stay matte x


  2. i totally agree with the santa lip scrub! perfection!!!

    im a new follower so check me out if you have time! :) we post similar things xxx

