Monday, 1 July 2013

Beauty Enhancing #1

Hello Everyone!

As it is the first of July and I don't have any June favourites to post I've decided to put up a new feature of my blog which has been inspired by other bloggers where they post about the products on their face. Basically an everyday make-up.
I will be showing you my everyday make-up products, The reason for this is so that I can show you what products I'm using and loving this month. And hopefully some of you can recommend some of the products you all love.
I've decided to call this feature Beauty Enhancing, the whole idea behind this is that everyone has beauty inside and out, but we all just use make-up to feel better about ourselves NOT because it makes you beautiful, although it does make us look better I think it's ideal that everyone is self confident in not having to ALWAYS wear make-up, I will be posting the make-up products I am using on the first of every month.

 The above products include my favourite four brushes, a thin lizzy brush, real techniques buffing brush, real techniques contour brush and a real techniques deluxe crease brush. Eyelash curlers and my Maybelline the falsies. A Maybelline Baby lips to moisturise and a Nivea pink pearl shine on top. Lastly a Colour Tattoo I recently bought in Bad to the Bronze, review coming soon.

The face consist of my Loreal True Match foundation in N2 Vanilla, a Maybelline Fit Me concealer in no.10, my beloved Rimmel Sat Matte transparent powder and an almost empty Thin Lizzy 6 in 1 professional powder in Light.

On the eyes I also forgot to include I used a gold eye shadow from my Sedona Lace palette here.



  1. You look lovely! I really like the lip shade and cannot wait to see your review of the Colour Tattoo!

    Phoebe xox

    1. Thank you! I truly love pink lipsticks a lot! Also the eye tattoo is amazing, definitely recommend it! The review is up now if you'd like to check it out.


  2. Bad Bronze is such a gorgeous colour, definitely the perfect shade for you :)

    1. thankyou! I adore it, there's another colour in the new metal range that's a pink shade I'm dying to get.


  3. In love with your eyes! Bad to the bronze is my favourite colour tattoo shade, looks great on you
