Friday, 19 July 2013

S.S.secret post no.4

Hello Everyone!
Today's post is going to be my fourth
S.S.secret post -
what is this? Click HERE

As some of my followers may know, I live in Sydney, Australia and at the moment it is winter and quite chilly, In winter my skin switches from being combination/ slightly oily to being more on the dry side. It becomes slightly dehydrated and is super hard to bring it back to its healthy, hydrated glow.

Recently I've discovered a few things that have definitely made a difference to my winter skin.

 Firstly, I have some all over body creams, on the left I have my NUSKIN intense body moisturiser. This product comes in quite a nice sized bottle and the cream itself is fragrance free. It's definitely more of a thinner and lighter cream compared to the one on the right.
On the right I have my Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E. It claims that it soften, smoothes and relieves dry skin. It definitely does the job but I'm not too keen on the scent, some people may like it but I am not one of those people. It's quite a thicker product and leaves my hands greasy so I have to thoroughly wash and dry them.

My next two products are a signature body lotion and an epoch mud mask.
The signature body lotion is extremely moisturising and works so well on my legs, elbows and anywhere I slap it on. It feels like a luxurious cream.
Next is the epoch Glacial Marine Mud mask. I love this product, I use it all year around and am truly dreading the day it runs out. Because I have bigger pores I love a mud mask to tighten up and help make the pores smaller. It also makes my face feel as smooth as a baby's bum and doesn't dry my skin out as much as I would expect.
My last four products include a NU SKIN moisture restore intense moisturiser, this product is PERFECT for a night face cream when you're feeling slightly dry and dehydrated. Next I have a Spoilt Rotten Hand Lotion, I love a good Hand moisturiser right before bed so that I wake up with smooth and soft hands. My next product which has definitely been on my blog before is the Michael Todd Moisture Lite non-oily hydrating lotion. This product honestly smells so amazing, whenever I put it on it's like putting a lemon cheesecake all over my face... Not the texture but it sure does smell like it. And I'm a true sucker for anything lemon... Last of all I have the common Lucas Papaw ointent, I love this product for my lips but it can be versatile, I've used it at night whilst on holidays and I've gotten a little sunburnt on the nose or when I nick myself with the hair straightener or hair curler and can't find burn cream. It really heals anything!

This kit is definitely not complete, I've got my eye on a couple more products but I'm just waiting to save up my $$$ and purchase them... 'When I have I'll be sure to update you all on them and give them a full review.


What products are helping you survive the colder months?
Or Summer months if you live somewhere were it's warm right now!

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